Office (818) 980-1826
St. Charles Borromeo Faith Formation programs and Sacramental Preparation for children and adults nourish a sense belonging to the St. Charles Parish family. Our programs range from early childhood to adult catechesis. Our goals are:
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children ages 3 through kindergarten are invited to join fun and interactive program designed just for them! Sessions include fun lessons, crafts, music and movement days, parent days to share our faith together, and lessons all about Jesus' love for us! (This program is temporarily not available due to the Pandemic)
SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR BAPTISM: If a child has not been Baptized and is of school age (1stgrade), registration in our Elementary, Middle School or Confirmation programs is necessary. These children will be welcomed into the Church in the first year.
ON-GOING FAITH FORMATION: Children are encouraged to continue their faith formation after they have received their First Holy Communion regardless of what age they are.
YOUTH CONFIRMATION: This is a two-year program, typically during 9th and 10th grade. For more information, please contact Richard Klee, St. Charles Confirmation Coordinator at or 818-639-2117.
ADULT CONFIRMATION: Candidates should be 18 years and older. High school age candidates should be part of the Youth Confirmation program. Adult candidates for Confirmation are Catholics who have been baptized and have received First Holy Communion. For more information, please contact Richard Klee, St. Charles Confirmation Coordinator at or 818-639-2117.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for those who eitherwish to become baptized Catholic Christians; baptized Catholics who want to complete the Sacraments of Initiation; or Christians from other denominations who wish to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. Please contact Jean Essa at 818-766-3838